Daniel Day-Lewis


Daniel Day-Lewis retrospective

"At the beginning of My Left Foot, a man's foot pulls a record from its sleeve, lowers it tremulously onto a turntable and, after the foot's owner catches his breath, starts the music.

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A rare chance to see this Merchant-Ivory art-house hit from the 1980s. Part of our Daniel Day-Lewis retrospective

“James Ivory’s first adaptation of EM Forester’s work  is incredibly fresh and arresting film-making: moving and amusing, swooningly romantic and socially ferocious – nothing less than a full-frontal (in every way) assault on your soul.

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Daniel Day-Lewis retrospective. Valentine's Day Special!

“In the title of Philip Kaufman’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, the crucial word is “unbearable.” The film tells the story of a young surgeon (Daniel Day-Lewis) who attempts to float above the mundane world of personal responsibility and commitment to practice a sex life that has no traffic with the heart, to escape untouched from the world of sensual pleasure while

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"This seminal 1980s movie launched a plethora of now distinguished careers, including those of director Stephen Frears and Daniel Day-Lewis." - Radio Times.

Part of our Daniel Day-Lewis Retrospective. “In My Beautiful Laundrette, the laundry in question is a storefront operation in one of the seedier areas of London, and it is losing money when a rich Pakistani decides to entrust its management to his nephew. But this is not the saga of a laundry.

No screenings currently scheduled.

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