"Think of the Cannes International Festival Of Advertising as a custom playlist of all the very best ads, deejayed by the discerning judges of the annual Cannes Festival Of Creativity. They’ve winnowed through 4000 or more entries to find their award winners, and you’ll get 113 minutes of high-impact tv, cinema and internet commercials, representing top ad agencies from all over the world. This year, there are over 60 winners of Bronze, Silver and Gold Lions, hailing from France, the U.S., Belgium, Mexico, India, Sweden, Australia, the U.K. and more.
"One of the most interesting aspects of these ads is their length. Many commercials on tv are edited 15- or 30-second versions, cut down from more elaborate concepts first aired via YouTube or other internet platforms. It’s the full-length versions that you’ll see here, which feature better storytelling, continuity and messaging.
"The trend to longer ads is relatively new, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the sheer creativity of ad writers. They’ll use just about any trick to get your attention: dazzlling visuals, celebrities, frantic action, sex and abundant doses of humour. And like a well-written song, a good hook can get you to pay attention to the rest of the message."
– Bruce White, (a guy that likes ads! & the ByTowne Cinema programmer)