In this continuation of the epic Dune saga, Paul Atreides and his mother Jessica unite with Chani and the Fremen while on a path of revenge against House Harkonen and their conspirators who killed his family.
"As a sequel, it works for the same reasons that make The Empire Strikes Back so many people’s favourite Star Wars film: there’s a darkness, a bleakness, that makes the fist-pumping moments feel all-the-more earned." - Time Out
"Villeneuve’s film is a grand success, working on an even broader canvas than the first Dune -- but it’s tinged with deep mournfulness, a quality that sets it apart from its blockbuster contemporaries." - The Atlantic
"What Villeneuve and company achieve in Dune: Part Two is every bit as impressive and, in its peak imagery, hypnotic as part one." - Chicago Tribune