High Life

"This space oddity from Rob Pattinson and the great French filmmaker Claire Denis will mess with your head and blow your mind. It's a hell of a ride." - Rolling Stone

Part mystery. Part thriller. Part dystopian horror.  High Life is already being hailed as a masterpiece and future classic.

Director Claire Denis (Let the Sunshine In) delivers a dreamlike sci-fi thriller that slowly creeps into haunting nightmare. A crew of death-row inmates (including Mia Goth and André  3000) are recruited to accompany a doctor with dubious motives, (chillingly played by Juliette Binoche) on a space mission. After submitting to a series of insidious experiments, most of the crew soon vanishes, leaving Robert Pattinson and his young daughter as the only survivors. Is there a future ahead as they hurtle onwards towards a black hole?

Expertly exploring the lost-in-space isolation terror of movies like Gravity and 2001: A Space Odyssey, High Life is an intergalactic mystery that’s sure to keep you guessing (and talking about it afterwards).


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