One of the greatest achievements by Akira Kurosawa, Ikiru shows the director at his most compassionate—affirming life through an exploration of death. Takashi Shimura beautifully portrays Kanji Watanabe, an aging bureaucrat with stomach cancer who is impelled to find meaning in his final days. Presented in a radically conceived twopart structure and shot with a perceptive, humanistic clarity of vision, Ikiru is a multifaceted look at what it means to be alive.
"One of the greatest films--Akira Kurosawa's poignant 1952 masterpiece both a tragicomedy about how our best intentions are misinterpreted and a profound meditation on an old man's reactions to impending death." -Chicago Tribune
"This is the flip side to his samurai films, an introspective, naturalistic contemporary drama combining progressive social criticism with a universal humanist message." -Total Film