Iron Sky

“It's 2018 and an invading army of moon-dwelling Nazi shock troops is about to launch an attack on Earth with the aim of yoking human slave labour to a Fourth Reich. And there´s worse - Sarah Palin is in the White House.
Finnish maverick Timo Vuorensola's enjoyable sci-fi comedy revels in superior special effects -  the swastika-shaped moon base and the ultimate Nazi doomsday weapon The Götterdämmerung are awesome creations - and a knowing if broad script. A scarily power-crazed Palin is lampooned mercilessly and America's gung-ho foreign policy is given a gentle ribbing that morphs into something altogether darker as the final credits roll. Götz Ott - replendent in his ersatz Hugo Boss uniform and bearing a nice sardonic sneer - is well cast as the fanatically ambitious Nazi General Klaus Adler while Julia Dietze is just so as his blonde Hitler madchen fiancee-turned-adversary Renate Richter. Elsewhere, James Washingon delivers good Samuel L Jackson as the black American astronaut despatched to the moon to push Palin´s re-election hopes, captured by the lunar goosesteppers and turned white by a mad German professor.
What will impress audiences most are the first-class battle sequences featuring a splendidly retro Nazi attack force, including supercharged zeppelins, which takes the original German military hardware and gives it a neat yesteryear spin. Madchens in tight blouses, space travelling stormtroopers,  - was ist not to like?” - Sky Movies


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