The eagerly awaited sequel to Joanna Hogg’s semi-autobiographical The Souvenir, The Souvenir: Part II (which also stands alone as a singular piece) begins where we left off, with film student Julie (Honor Swinton Byrne) navigating and processing the loss of her caustic older lover while also pushing against the constraints of the independent film scene in 1980s London.
Through Hogg’s intimate lens, we follow Julie’s journey through fleeting relationships, living with fretful parents, and ultimately her attempt to come to terms with her grief through the singular power of cinema.
'It's one of the most beautiful and extraordinary films of the year. 5/5 stars" - London Evening Standard
"A film to savour, visually and sensorily." - Screen International
"Hogg paints a beautiful deconstruction of a reconstruction. Not only does she effortlessly expand upon her original film with imaginative aplomb, but she also weaves in a thoughtful language that makes 'Part II' work as a standalone essay." - Denton Chronicle
"Superhero movies get sequels, but seldom do arthouse coming-of-age dramas about doomed romances. Maybe more should." - North Shore Movies
"Joanna Hogg's The Souvenir: Part II is an extremely satisfying sequel to her 1980s-set memoir about a naive young film student falling under the thrall of an oppressive older man, Anthony." - The Financial Times