Set in occupied France in 1942, Persian Lessons follows Gilles (Nahuel Pérez Biscayart), a Belgian Jew, who narrowly avoids sudden execution by swearing to the guards that he's Persian, not Jewish. While the lie temporarily saves him, Gilles is then assigned the extraordinary task of teaching Farsi, a language he doesn't know, to Koch (Lars Eidinger), the officer in charge of the camp's kitchen who dreams of opening a restaurant in Iran once the war is over. Through an inspired and clever deception, Giles not only manages to survive, but also devises an astonishing strategy to remember the names of his condemned brethren.
"A big, widescreen cinematic ride which deftly mixes suspense, laughter, and tears." - ScreenDaily
"Superbly acted... it floored me in the devastating final moments." - The Guardian