A Lego Brickumentary

“A nonfiction B-side to February's surprisingly charming The Lego Movie, Daniel Junge and Kief Davidson's A Lego Brickumentary introduces the uninitiated to some of the more unexpected ways the little snap-together bricks have been used in the 60-plus years since their creation. Chipper and fun, the doc is a good time. Even when the film addresses the missteps that almost bankrupted the company at the turn of this century, its upbeat focus is on how it learned to listen to its customers and give them more of what they want.

“Those customers, as we see, are awfully good at working with what they're given. The film revels in the creativity of the AFOL community ("Adult Fan of Lego"), showing off plastic masterworks like an award-winning Rivendell replica built by Alice Finch. Taking it upon himself to design and package his own themed sets based on famous buildings, fan Adam Reed Tucker has proved the idea's commercial viability and is now sought out as a kind of freelance innovator.

“We spend plenty of enjoyable time with the in-house designers who get paid to play with Legos all day, then tag along with them as they compete against amateur builders at one of the many Lego conventions held around the world.” - Hollywood Reporter


Select showtime to buy advanced tickets.
Playhouse Cinema177 Sherman Ave. North Hamilton, Ontario L8L 6M8(905)545-8888

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