“Beetlejuice, directed by Tim Burton, is a ghost story from the haunters' perspective.The drearily happy Maitlands (Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis) drive into the river, come up dead, and return to their beloved, quaint house as spooks intent on despatching the hideous New York yuppie family which had usurped their property.
“The humour unfolds as the horrible Deetzes (Jeffery Jones and Catherine O'Hara) fill the house with revolting avant-garde art, bulldozers, and camp interior designers spitting venom; while only their mournful teenage daughter (Winona Ryder) seems either aware of or in tune with the ghostly couple, whose failure to shine in the scare stakes finally drags them into the arms of the gunslinger-exorcist Betelgeuse (Michael Keaton), a kind of demonic Clint Eastwood of the underworld
“Off-the wall humour and some sensational sight gags make the movie a truly astonishing piece of work.” - Time Out
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