“In the early 1970s, British actor Leon Vitali had embarked on a promising stage and TV acting career when he saw the movie that would change his life. While in a theater watching A Clockwork Orange, he turned to a companion and said, “I want to work for that man.”
“The man was director Stanley Kubrick. And a few years later, Vitali’s dream would come true, when he was cast in Kubrick’s rococo period drama Barry Lyndon. Giving his all to the performance Vitali plunged into Kubrick’s milieu behind the camera, learning as much as he could about production design, cinematography and costume construction. This wasn’t just shooting pretty pictures, Vitali recalls in Filmworker, a documentary about his career. “It was filmmaking.”
“It becomes clear that Vitali’s fealty lies with the larger creative enterprise to which he is instinctively, helplessly attuned. Filmworker’s greatest value lies in pulling the lens back to allow viewers to understand film as a deeply collaborative medium. Filmworker is a tribute to the unsung artisans, assistants, best boys and girl Fridays whose indelible contributions make movies not just possible, but magical.” - The Washington Post