“Marlon Brando’s magic is revived in The Godfather in his intuitive grasp of Mario Puzo’s Don Corleone, a living symbol of the poetic translation of his name, the lionhearted. Brando is cool as the godfather, sagacious head of the Corleone family, the most powerful of the five families of organized crime in New York.
“The immensity of the project must have been staggering, but producer Albert S. Ruddy, director Francis Ford Coppola and screenwriter Mario Puzo, with Coppola, make it seem easy. Coppola turns the episodic story into sizable form for the screen - a film that moves freely, unhindered by extraneous deal.
“Elements of excitement and suspense are sustained in the high peaks of the story - gangland strategy, vendettas, violence, revenge, Don Vito Corleone’s funeral procession, a long parade of black limousines covered with enough floral arrangements to fill a flower show. Robert Duvall is steadily efficient as Tom Hagen, the godfather’s son-in-law, always to be trusted as the built-in consigliori for the Corleone clan.
“The Godfather is a stunning production. There never has been and probably never will be an ending as wonderously wrought as the unforgettable climax of The Godfather.” - New York Daily News
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